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‹ about sound funeral ›

‹ Sound Funeral › is a sound event/installation born out for the European Turtle Dove, a species on the verge of extinction.

At this sound rite, participants are invited to read the mourning poem for the turtle dove. All voices become energy and comfort, carrying the weight of aspiration and loss. Words, images, human voices and urban soundscape interweave and resonate.

For me, it is a natural thing to mourn the turtle dove through sound. We use our voices to read a poem to mourn the turtle doves, listen to what the turtle doves are usually listening to and what they are dreaming about, it's a small, unobtrusive funeral. Biologists found that there are many parallels between human language acquisition and birdsong learning, though we have yet to see evidence of such a phenomenon in apes

As the only migratory dove in Europe, it is often hunted along the Mediterranean Sea on its way to Africa. This fact may elude many, as turtle dove pale in comparison to better-known endangered species. Humans and animals alike have put forth great physical and emotional effort in adapting to each other's presence. Animals, it seems, have always been willing to cooperate, haven't they? They take the risks, and reveal to us the inherent tension. Death often lurks in the midst of adaptation. I think respect for animals also fosters respect for people. When animals suffer, most of us cannot help but feel their pain.

I wish to preserve some evidence through sounds, to bear witness to the fragments that constantly vanish around us, to the overlooked things that exist. Will the European turtle dove can only prove its existence through its disappearance, like many of us. Before it became a mythical symbol of Greek goddess Demeter, who presides over grain and the earth's fertility, it was first and foremost a turtle dove. The act of mourning, at least for a brief three minutes, we seem to be thinking wholeheartedly about what is happening and what it means to us to mourn animals. Perhaps what we need to grieve, is more than just a turtle dove.

“Perhaps death does not take away the sense of hearing, because hearing does not need a subject. ” (Kang He, 2016) This sound funeral probably means the same thing, it's creating a subtle vibration, and its receivers are everywhere.

‹ 声音葬礼 › 是为悼念欧洲斑鸠而生发的声音事件。








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